|Cement City Busted! Downloaded From Down And Out. At 15:00 hours on saturday, i was visited by a couple of FAST & ELSPA reps, 2 policemen and 1 plain clothed detective. they produced a signed search warrant to confiscate any equipment relating to the running of a pirate bulletin board. Within 30 minutes they had rounded up all of my hardware, which must total several thousand pounds worth now!! The bust was not related to PBX abuse as i dont use them, it was purely for the running of Cement City BBS!! but they did enquire about calls made TO my numbers via fraudulent use of PBX's. Anyway, i have written this file at a mate's house. i have NONE of my equipment at home now, they have taken it all, what a fucking waste of my money. The ironic part is; that i was listening to a police radio scanner at the time, and i could hear them preparing for the raid on my house. i just did not have time to hide anything, all i could do was sit and wait for the knock. I dont know if i will be able to come back online for quite some time. but if i do, it WILL be a PD BBS only! thanks to the users, it was fun while it lasted. MDR / Ex- Cement City PS. I *KNOW* THIS WAS FIREFLASH THAT GRASSED ME UP. ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS CONNECTIONS WITH THIS WANKER, BE WARNED!!! I WILL NOT HESITATE TO INFORM THE POLICE ETC ABOUT ALL OF SIMON'S PBX, CC AND BBS ACTIVITIES. YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO ATTEMPT TO CALL THE CCITY NUMBERS! I AM NOT SURE WHAT THEY ARE DOING WITH MY HARDWARE OR PHONE NUMBERS - THEY COULD BE CREATING ANOTHER TRAP. CALL AT YOUR RISK...